Graphic Design
This gallery highlights project work and commission graphic design work for groups and individuals.
Scroll down to view by project.
Divination Hollow Reviews
A blogging platform dedicated to highlighting diverse perspectives and historically underrepresented and marginalized voices in the realm of Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Dark Fiction Media.
Formerly known as “Dead Head Reviews”.
Esbat Podcast
A bookish podcast highlighting underrepresented voices in dark fiction in partnership with Divination Hollow Reviews. Hosted by Elle and Regi with special guests.
Author S.H. Cooper
“Inheriting Her Ghosts” Book Launch Promotional materials.
Merchandise designs for fundraiser with Texas Chainpaw Massacre and Divination Hollow Reviews
Pinto Carpentry
Professional Railing Installers, Stair Builders, and Master Carpenters in New Jersey

Individual Client commissions or personal design project work.